I said it before and I'll say it again post exam, Revise MSRA are onto something. I just wish I knew about this golden resource earlier and that I actually used this as my initial main resource from the start as opposed to passmed.
Dr Kithmini Gamage
F2 doctor
Successful candidate - GP training
I'm loving it so much more than pass Med. Wish I knew about it before !!! It's so much clearer. Amazing! I tried passmed & pastest AND for me, REVISE MSRA trumped.
Dr Ally Jaffee
Successful candidate - Psychiatry in London
Best resource for MSRA! I am an IMG from India. For my MSRA preparation, I used Revise MSRA notes and their question bank, and I found them to be the best resources available. The notes are concise, well-structured, and designed for easy retention, while the question bank closely resembles the actual exam. This material helped me significantly in the clinicals and enabled me to score 308 in the Clinical Problem-Solving section. I sincerely thank the entire Revise MSRA team for creating such an outstanding resource for MSRA preparation.
Dr Riyasul Muhammed
MSRA Candidate - January 2025
The question bank was amazing. Honestly, I have tried two other question banks and this was the best. I wish I used it earlier, the notes were concise, they were updated and in line with NICE guidelines, which is all what the exam tests you on. If I could recommend one question bank to someone next year, it would be REVISEMSRA. You guys have done something amazing!
Dr. Sidrah A
MSRA Candidate - January 2025
I only came across your material a week ago, I honestly wish I knew of it earlier. It's such a game changer and the revision notes are a lifesaver. I can already tell there will be a huge shift from the usual materials to this very soon.
I gave the exam but only went through Revise MSRA after the exam. My BIGGEST REGRET. Don't make the same mistake as me. Revise MSRA is the greatest of all time for clinical exam.
Dr Manik
MSRA candidate 2023
From the moment I signed up for the Revise MSRA trial, I knew I had found the resource I was looking for. The concise and easy-to-read revision notes, with high-yield facts highlighted in bold, made it much easier to focus on exam-relevant material compared to other resources like Passmedicine. My only regret is having wasted precious prep time on Passmedicine, with little retention to show for it. If used thoroughly, the revision notes, Qbank, and mocks on Revise MSRA are the only resources you need to ace the exam.
Dr. Zohaib Ashraf
MSRA Candidate - January 2025
I think the ReviseMSRA question bank is representative of the “real” MSRA exam in terms of content, question length and question difficulty. The revision notes are succinct and great for refreshing knowledge on topics you are less confident with. I used it as my primary revision resource and scored in the top 10% resulting in two sub speciality interviews and offers. Thanks! Would highly recommend.
Dr Stephen Unsworth
Successful candidate - Core anaesthetics training
I am writing this email to share my feedback regarding your revision materials. I am happy to tell that this is the main resource I had used for preparing for the exam. I barely had two weeks to prepare due to my work conditions and these materials , especially the revision notes were made in a way which helped me grasp all the information quickly. I have gotten an offer for GP training Feb 25. I wanted to let you know that your team has done a wonderful job in building this site. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends who are preparing for this exam.
Dr Akhil Mathews
MSRA Candidate - January 2025